Q: | What happens if I forget my FlyCovered account PIN? |
A: | We can send you a PIN reminder. At the booking page select Forgot PIN. We will send a PIN reminder to the email address linked to your FlyCovered account. If you haven't received the email after 5 minutes, please check your spam or junk folder. |
Q: | Can I get covered immediately after accepting my quote? |
A: | Yes you can. Instant cover is available on all of our policies. If you have a Pay As You Fly+ policy you will need to book an Insured Flying Day to have in-flight cover. |
Q: | Can I cancel a FlyCovered policy at anytime and will I receive a return premium? |
A: | You can cancel any FlyCovered policy at anytime by notifying the administrator. If you cancel your policy before the start date, the premium paid by you will be returned in full. If you cancel during or after the cooling off period, the return premium due to you will be calculated at a proportional daily rate, depending on the number of policy days you have remaining. If you are cancelling after a renewal, we will not return any premium for Insured Flying Days rolled over from an expiring Pay As You Fly+ policy. If you have made a claim the full premium is due. Cancellation after the policy start or renewal date is subject to a £25 administration fee. Full cancellation terms are available in the policy wording and our Terms of Business and Conditions. |
Q: | Can I add an additional drone to my policy? |
A: | Yes, no problem. Log into your account. Go to MANAGE MY POLICY and simply follow the instructions. When payment is received we will send you confirmation of the new drone. You will receive a new Schedule and Certificate of Insurance showing the additional drone, please check the details on the documents are correct. |
Q: | Do you offer a No Claim Discount on FlyCovered Policies? |
A: | No this is not offered. |
Q: | Do I have to be a resident in the UK to take out a FlyCovered policy? |
A: | No, as we insure the business, the business has to be registered in the UK. We class the UK as England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Island of Guernsey, the Island of Jersey and the Island of Alderney. |
Q: | How do I view or download copies of my documents? |
A: | You can do this from the welcome email or from your FlyCovered account. Log into your account and select MANAGE MY POLICY, select My Dashboard, your Schedules and Certificates are located here, click on any of the documents you would like to view or download. If you have a Pay As You Fly+ policy, you can also click on any day you have booked to view the Schedule and Certificate for that day. |
Q: | What is the maximum value of a drone I can insure? |
A: | At the moment we can insure any single drone up-to £250,000 or any drone and payload up to £250,000 when in-flight. |
Q: | Can I fly the drone abroad? |
A: | Our policy covers territories worldwide other than the following. Algeria, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Somalia, The Republic of Sudan, South Sudan, Colombia, Peru, Afghanistan, North Korea, Pakistan, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, United States of America and protectorates. |
Q: | Do you offer worldwide cover? |
A: | We do not offer full worldwide cover. Our policy covers territories worldwide other than the following: Algeria, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Somalia, The Republic of Sudan, South Sudan, Colombia, Peru, Afghanistan, North Korea, Pakistan, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, United States of America and protectorates. |
Q: | Who do I contact if I wish to make a complaint? |
A: | Sorry to hear you may have a problem. It is our intention to provide a high level of service at all times. However if you have reason to make a complaint about our service, you should contact us immediately using the following contact details. Our Customer Service Team can be contacted on 0208 059 8542 lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you prefer, you can email us at [email protected] or write to: FlyCovered Covered Insurance PO Box 581 Grays RM17 9QU. We will provide a summary of our complaints handling procedures, should you make a complaint that we cannot resolve informally and at any other time, upon your request. The full complaints procedure is detailed in the CONTACT US section of the website, the policy wording and the Insurance Product Information Document, available on the FlyCovered website in Compare Policies and sent to you in your FlyCovered welcome pack. |
Q: | How do I cancel booked Insured Flying Days on a Pay As You Fly+ policy? |
A: | Log in to your account. Go to FLIGHT PLANNER in the menu bar. The booked days you can cancel are shown in amber on the calendar. Click on the day you need to cancel, a booking box will appear, select cancel. You will need to enter your PIN to confirm the cancellation. The drone icon for that day will be removed, your insurance for that day is then cancelled and your FlyCovered account credited with that day. For your FlyCovered account to receive a credit for the cancelled day, you must cancel it before 23.59 Hours (Local Time At Your Address) the day before you intended to fly. |
Q: | How do i add a drone to my policy? |
A: | This is quite easy. Log in to your FlyCovered account. Select MANAGE MY POLICY. Select Manage Drone and follow the instructions. If the drone is acceptable and you wish to add it to your policy, select Update My Policy. When payment is received we will email you confirmation of the change with a new Schedule, please check the details are correct. When you book Insured Flying Days, the Certificate of Insurance will show the new drone details; please check they are correct. |
Q: | Who can I contact if I have any questions about my policy? |
A: | Please look in our Help Center and the FAQs linked to your policy first, you can type in a question and we will look for your answer. We have tried to cover any question or problem you may have regarding your policy or using your account. If you are unable to find your answer you can contact our Customer Service Team who will be pleased to assist you. They can be contacted on 0208 059 8542 lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you prefer, you can email us at [email protected] or write to: FlyCovered Covered Insurance PO Box 581 Grays RM17 9QU. 242 5104. |
Q: | How can I pay for my policy? |
A: | We offer 2 payment options. You can pay the annual premium in full using a Credit or Debit card, or use our interest free payment plan. If you select the payment plan we will ask you for a deposit to be paid from your Credit or Debit card. You then pay the outstanding amount over 10 months from your bank account by Direct Debit. The options are offered to you at the end of the application process. Should you have a claim we will require you to pay any outstanding premium in full. |
Q: | If I make a change or cancel my policy and it lowers the premium, do I receive a refund? |
A: | Yes. If you make a change to your policy and it lowers the premium you will receive a return premium. If you cancel your policy we refund the premium less a £25 administration fee. You can view the full policy cancellation terms in the FlyCovered policy wordings. They are available on the FlyCovered website in the HELP CENTER. The policy wording relating to the FlyCovered policy you have selected and purchased will also be available in your welcome pack when you purchase a policy.
Q: | Do you charge a fee for using the payment plan? |
A: | No. Our Direct Debit payments are fee and interest free. |
Q: | How do I pay for any changes to my policy? |
A: | Should you make a change to your policy it may create an additional premium. If you are not using our payment plan you will be asked to pay this in full at the time of the change, so please have your card ready. If you are using our payment plan we will add any additional premium to your Direct Debit or you have the option to pay by Credit or Debit card. |
Q: | Do you store my Credit Card information? |
A: | No. When you make any additional payments we do ask your browser to auto fill the card details but this will be without your security code. |
Q: | What functions can I carry out in my FlyCovered account? |
A: | We have developed FlyCovered so you can manage your account 24/7 online at a time that suits you. You can manage every aspect of your account online from adding or removing drones or pilots, to changing your personal details. You can also buy and book Insured Flying Days if you have a Pay As You Fly+ policy. |
Q: | Can I clear any balance on my FlyCovered account when I am paying by Direct Debit? |
A: | Yes you can. Contact the customer services team they will be pleased to assist. They can be contacted on 0208 059 8542 lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. |
Q: | My Direct Debit has failed what do I need to do? |
A: | We will send you an email informing you that your Direct Debit has failed, we will represent it to your bank, should it fail again we will issue a 7 day cancellation notice. You can contact the customer services and pay any outstanding amount to avoid the cancellation process proceeding. They can be contacted on 0208 059 8542 lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you prefer, you can email us at [email protected]. |
Q: | What is liability cover to third parties? |
A: | This is the amount you are covered for should your drone be involved in an accident that involves and causes damages or injury to a third party property or person during flight. To operate a drone commercially the CAA require you to have the minimum legal requirement. All of our policies are EC 785/2014 compliant and offer the current minimum requirement, this can be increased up to a maximum £50,000,000. Full details of the cover and exclusions are available in the FlyCovered policy wordings. |
Q: | Will a FlyCovered policy cover me to fly other drones? |
A: | No, you are only insured to fly the insured drones shown on your Certificate Of Insurance. |
Q: | Will the FlyCovered policy cover me to fly other drones? |
A: | No, you are only insured to fly the drone shown on your Schedule and Certificate Of Insurance. Addition drones can be added at anytime. |
Q: | Can I change from a Pay As You Fly+ policy to an annual policy? |
A: | Yes you can change but you will need to contact our Customer Services Team to do this. |
Q: | What timezone is used on the FlyCoverd policies? |
A: | All references to 00.00 Hours and 23.59 Hours in the policy including the endorsements that form part of this policy shall be on Local Time At Your Address. This is the address shown on your Certificate of Insurance and your Insurance Schedule. |
Q: | Am I covered to practice my drone skills? |
A: | If you meet the requirements to purchase a FlyCovered drone policy as a commercial operator or own business user, you are covered to use the drone for the purpose of maintaining your skill and proficiency of the insured drone, we call this continuation flying. The policy covers you whilst participating in a drone training course/school/academy. If you have a Pay As You Fly policy you are only covered for in-flight risks when you have booked an Insured Flying Day through your FlyCovered account and received your Certificate of Insurance confirming the date and times you are covered. Full details are available in your policy wording. These are available in the welcome email we sent to you when you purchased your policy or on the flycovered website under FAQs in the menu bar. |
Q: | What is the Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW) of a drone you can insure? |
A: | The Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW) of an drone we can offer insurance for is 30KG. Operators of unmanned aircraft over 20KG are required to apply for and have a valid exemption from the CAA to be covered under this policy. |
Q: | Do you supply a Direct Debit payment Schedule? |
A: | Yes we do. When you purchase your policy you will receive a Direct Debit payment schedule in the welcome pack. You can also view the payment schedule in your FlyCovered account, select MANAGE MY POLICY and select Bank Information. |
Q: | Does the policy have any exclusions regarding the use of the drone? |
A: | Yes. We will not cover any drone that will be used for racing or for any competition use. We do not cover recreational or hobby users. Please read the policy wording for a full list of exclusions. |
Q: | Can I choose a different PIN number after I have purchased a policy? |
A: | Sorry no. We ask you to keep the same PIN number you were allocated when you purchased your policy. If you forget your PIN we can send you a PIN reminder. From the Booking Page select - 'Forgot PIN' we will send a reminder to the email address linked to your account. You will receive the reminder in a couple of seconds. |
Q: | If I add a new drone to my Pay As You Fly+ policy will it be allocated 30 Insured Flying Days? |
A: | No. The Insured Flying Days are allocated to the policy and are for use on all drones. |
Q: | How do I remove a drone from my policy? |
A: | Removing a drone is quite easy. Log into your FlyCovered account select MANAGE MY POLICY, select Manage Drone, select Edit Existing Drone next to the drone you wish to remove, select Remove Drone at the foot of the page, a drop down will appear, type YES and select Proceed. We will show any return premium due to you, select UPDATE POLICY to complete the change. The drone will no longer be insured at this stage. We will email you confirmation of the change with a new Schedule, please check the details are correct. |
Q: | What drone businesses / operators can you insure? |
A: | We can offer insurance to drone operators / businesses that hold a valid Permission for Commercial Operation (PfCO).
Q: | Are there any drones that you are unable to insure? |
A: | Any single drone with a value over £250,000. A drone which has a Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW) over 30KG. Operators of unmanned aircraft over 20 kg are required to apply for and have a valid exemption from the CAA to be covered under this policy. |
Q: | What do I do if I forget my FlyCovered account password? |
A: | It happens, don't worry. Select LOGIN from the MENU bar, at the login screen click Forgot Password, the reset screen will appear, enter the email linked to your FlyCovered account and your postcode, select Forgot Password. We will send you an email containing a link to reset your password, click on the link and you will be directed to our password reset page. Select and confirm a new password then select Password Reset. You will also need to enter your memorable word, you will then receive an email confirming the reset. For additional security the password link expires after 10 minutes. You will need to repeat the process if the change is not made in that time period. |
Q: | What do you class as the UK? |
A: | For the purposes of our policies, the UK is defined as England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Island of Guernsey, the Island of Jersey and the Island of Alderney. |
Q: | How many drones can I insure on a FlyCovered policy? |
A: | We can quote on and cover a maximum of 10 drones on one policy. |
Q: | How do I change the address on my policy? |
A: | This can be done through your FlyCovered account. Log in to your account, go to MANAGE MY POLICY and select Change My Address. Enter the new address details and select Change. We will email you confirmation of the change with a new Schedule, please check the new details are correct, if they are incorrect please go through the same process. |
Q: | What is the deductible / excess I will have to pay towards any claim or occurrence relating to my drone or equipment? |
A: | You select the amount of deductible / excess you wish to pay towards any theft, loss or physical damage claim you make relating to your drone or equipment. During the quote process we offer you a choice of policy excess / deductible that you will pay. If you select a 10% deductible you will pay the first 10% of any claim or occurrence. IE if you have a £1,000 claim you will pay £100 towards the claim. If you select a higher deductible you will receive a discount on your premium but pay a higher percentage towards each claim or occurrence. Other sections of your policy have a fixed deductible / excess and they are shown in the schedule we send to you. |
Q: | Can I change the deductible / excess on the insured drone after I have purchased my policy? |
A: | No unfortunately this isn't possible you can only do this at renewal. |
Q: | After purchasing a policy can I add additional covers? |
A: | Yes. You can add or remove additional covers from your FlyCovered account. Log in to your account, select MANAGE MY POLICY. Select Manage Add-Ons. To select or remove the covers from your policy follow the instructions. The additional premium or any return premium will be shown before you proceed. |
Q: | What happens if my Direct Debit fails? |
A: | If your Direct Debit fails, the ability to book Insured Flying Days and amend your policy will be removed and your account will be suspended. You are able to log into your FlyCovered account at any time to pay the outstanding amount. This will unlock your account, give you full access to all functions and allow the next Direct Debit to be processed. If the Direct Debit failure is due to a problem with your Direct Debit mandate, for example, the instruction has been cancelled or the account details provided are invalid, you will be asked to update your bank details when you log in. We reserve the right to charge an administration fee of £20 and remove the right to pay by direct debit, should you fail to make an agreed payment. |
Q: | Can I change the email address that my policy is linked with, after I have purchased a policy? |
A: | Yes, no problem. It's important that you always provide us with correct email address as this is where we send your documents and make contact with you. Log in to your FlyCovered account, go to MANAGE MY POLICY and select Change My Email Address, enter the new email address details. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE EMAIL ADDRESS IS CORRECT, then select UPDATE, the email is now changed. We will send you confirmation of the change to the new email address; if it's not received in 15 minutes please check your junk file, also check if the email address you entered is correct, if it's not please follow the process again. |
Q: | My drone business is located outside of the UK can I buy a FlyCovered policy? |
A: | Unfortunately we can only cover drone businesses located in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Island of Guernsey, the Island of Jersey and the Island of Alderney. |
Q: | What do I do if I forget my memorable word? |
A: | It happens, don't worry. You have 2 options. Option 1. Select LOGIN from the menu bar, at the login screen click Forgotten Or Change Password (the security processes are linked and you will be able to change your memorable word from here) the reset screen will appear. Enter the email linked to your FlyCovered account and your postcode, select FORGOT PASSWORD. We will send you an email containing a link to reset your password; click on the link, you will be directed to our password reset page, enter your existing account password and confirm (you can change the password at this time as well if you wish) go to Memorable Word, select your new memorable word and hint, select Password Reset. You will receive an email confirming the reset. Option 2. You can contact our Customer Services Team and they can send a reset email to the email address linked to your FlyCovered account. For additional security the password link expires after 10 minutes. You will need to repeat the process if the change is not made in that time period. |
Q: | Can I change my password or memorable word? |
A: | Yes. Select LOGIN from the menu bar, at the login screen click Forgotten Password, the reset screen will appear. Enter the email linked to your FlyCovered account and your postcode. We will send you an email containing a link to reset your password; click on the link and you will be directed to our password reset page, select and confirm a new password or enter your existing password if you are changing your memorable word, select a new memorable word and hint and then select Password Reset. For additional security the password link expires after 10 minutes. You will need to repeat the process if the change is not made in that time period. |
Q: | How do I change my bank details? |
A: | Should you need to change the bank account that your Direct Debit is collected from, you can do this through your FlyCovered account. Log in to your account, go to MANAGE MY POLICY, select Bank Details, select Edit, make and check the changes, select UPDATE to complete the change. |
Q: | Can I change the sum insured for my public liability cover? |
A: | Yes. All our policies are fully flexible and allow you to increase and decrease levels of liability cover needed for any specific job. During the application process we offer you the minimum liability cover required required by the CAA. Cover is available from £1 Million to £50 Million. Changes can be made through your FlyCovered account. Log in to your account, go to MANAGE MY POLICY, select Manage Drone and select the required Public Liability cover. This cover is operative on the days you have selected in-flight cover on our Pay As You Fly+ policy, and around the clock on our annual and liability only policies. |
Q: | Can I change my personal details in my FlyCovered account? |
A: | Yes no problem. Log into your FlyCovered account, go to MANAGE MY POLICY, you can then select the details you would like to update from the drop down. We will email you confirmation of any changes you make with updated documents. |
Q: | What is a Policy Schedule and when do I receive it? |
A: | This is the document that the administrator sends you by email when you purchase this policy. It includes but is not limited to your details, the premium paid, the insured drone, and the sections of cover applicable to your policy. If you have a Pay As You Fly+ it will show the total number of Insured Flying Days available at the time of purchase. A revised Schedule will only be issued when there are variations to the terms and conditions of this policy and should you purchase any additional Insured Flying Days.
Q: | How do I get copy of my FlyCovered policy wording and the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID)? |
A: | You can view or download all of the FlyCovered policy wordings and Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) directly from the FlyCovered website in the HELP CENTRE. Go to the HELP CENTRE from the menu bar and they are on the right hand side. As we offer 3 drone policies, make sure you review the document relevant to your policy or the policy you are thinking of purchasing. We will also send you a copy in your welcome email when you purchase a policy. |
Q: | What drones are you able to insure? |
A: | We are able to insure for the following drones: Any single drone up to £250,000. Any single drone and detachable payload in the air with a total value of £250,000 or less. Any drone which has a Maximum Take Off Weight (MTOW) of 30 KG or less (operators of drones over 20 kg are required to have a valid exemption from the CAA to be covered under this policy). Drones that will not be used for racing or any competition use. Recreational or hobby users. A single drone that will not be used for more than 500 hours over a 12 month period. Drones that will operate in accordance with drone national and / or local regulations.
Q: | Can I give third party access to my FlyCovered account? |
A: | Not at the moment, but it's coming soon. |
Q: | Do you charge a fee if I make changes to my policy? |
A: | We will not charge you an administration fee when you make any mid term adjustments to your policy, that may or may not create an additional premium, unless you make more than 20 changes in any policy year. We then reserve the right to charge you £15 for any additional changes above that number. Should you or the insurer cancel your policy during or after the cooling off period we will charge you a £25 cancellation fee. We reserve the right to charge an administration fee of £20 and remove the right to pay by Direct Debit, should you fail to make an agreed payment. |
Q: | Whats Insurance Premium Tax or IPT? |
A: | Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) is a government tax on most insurance premiums. |
Q: | Can any pilot named in my operations manual book a day? |
A: | Not at the moment, this facility will be available soon. The person named as the insured on the Schedule has control of the drone flight planner. This will change soon and all named pilots will be able to book Insured Flying Days. You could give the operator your login details but we can't recommend you do that. |
Q: | Do you have any maximum hours any single insured drone can fly? |
A: | We do not have any daily restriction. We cover any single insured drone for 500 in-flight hours over a 12 month policy period. This works out to approximately 10 hours a week every week for a year. Should you need more 500 hours please contact our Customer Services Team. |
Q: | Do you offer discount codes? |
A: | Yes we do. You may find them in a quote reminder email, on our facebook, twitter and instagram pages. The terms and conditions for the discount codes can be found in our terms of business on the FlyCovered UAS website. |
Q: | Who is the insurer for FlyCovered policies? |
A: | The insurer for FlyCovered policies are through Lloyds Of London. Tokio Marine Kiln Syndicates Limited (Syndicate 510 at Lloyd's) Address: 20 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 3BY. They are market leading drone underwriters. |
Q: | What do I need to do following an incident that could result in a claim under my policy? |
A: | Following any incident that you think could lead to a claim on your policy, we ask you to contact our loss adjusters Leading Edge Assist as soon as practically possible. Their contact details are:- Leading Edge Assist, Ibex House, Baker Street, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8AH. 24 hour telephone line 0333 370 8105. You will need to provide them with your policy number and the drone serial number, full particulars of the event, the subject of a claim with any letters or documents relating to it, give notice of any impending prosecution or civil action, provide such further information and assistance as we may reasonably require, not act in any way to the detriment of or prejudice our interest. If it's a claim against you, we ask that you do not give any admission of liability, payment, offer or promise of payment without our written consent.
Q: | Who do I contact if I have need to make a claim? |
A: | If you have a claim we request you contact our 24 hour helpline immediately. Contact details are:- Leading Edge Assist, Ibex House, Baker Street, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8AH. 24 hour telephone line: 0333 370 8105.
Q: | What is my Certificate of Insurance? |
A: | As a drone operator or pilot you are required to have, and be able to prove, that you hold the minimum level of liability insurance required for your drone. The insurance certificate document provides this proof. When you purchase an annual policy we will send you an annual Certificate of Insurance. Should you select a Pay As You Fly+ policy, we will send you a Certificate of Insurance for each period of insurance you book. We will also send you a new Certificate of Insurance should you make any changes to your policy. It is recommended that you carry your Certificate of Insurance when you are intending to operate your drone, should a CAA inspector, customer or the Police require proof of cover. A copy is always available in your FlyCovered account. |
Q: | What is a policy extension? |
A: | They are the additional covers you may add to your policy. If you you selected and purchased the covers during the quote process they are shown in Item 7 of your schedule. The additional covers that you have selected and paid the premium for are shown on your "included" in the schedule. You are able to purchase these covers at any time during the policy period. |
Q: | Can I use a FlyCovered Liability Only policy to take my flight assessment exam? |
A: | Yes. All of our policies are EC/7852014 compliant and cover your third party liability during a flight assessment with a CAA recognised NQE. Our Liability Only policy does not offer any cover for equipment or for physical loss or damage to the insured drone. If you require cover for your equipment you will need to purchase our Pay As You Fly or our Annual Drone insurance policy. |
Q: | Can I use a FlyCovered Annual policy to take my flight assessment exam? |
A: | Yes. All of our policies are EC/7852014 compliant and cover your third party liability during a flight assessment with a CAA recognised NQE. Our Annual and Pay As You Fly+ policies will also cover your equipment and the drone when in flight for physical loss or damage. |
Q: | What is Strikes, Malicious Acts and Hijacking cover? |
A: | This covers any physical loss of, or damage to, your drone and equipment following: strikes, malicious acts or hijacking. |
Q: | What is drone Operators Indemnity cover? |
A: | This covers the third party liabilities of any qualified drone operator authorised by you to operate the insured drone.You should add UAS Operators Indemnity to your policy if you need to cover the third party liabilities of any qualified pilot authorised by you to operate the insured drone. |
Q: | What is Alternative Hire Costs cover? |
A: | This covers any reasonable costs and expenses you may have for hiring an alternative drone to complete any previously agreed contracts following physical damage to the drone. Cover is for a maximum period of 30 days or when hire costs reach GBP 1,000 each occurrence, whichever occurs sooner. |
Q: | What is Liability To Drone Operators cover? |
A: | This covers your liability to any qualified drone operator authorised by you to operate the insured drone excluding employers' liability insurance. |
Q: | What is Cyber Extension Loss of Digital Assets cover? |
A: | This covers the costs you incur for the loss of digital assets as a direct result of damage, alteration, corruption, distortion, theft, misuse, or destruction of your digital assets directly caused by a computer virus, whether through malicious acts or non-malicious acts. Cover under this section is £10,000 each digital asset loss. The deductible / excess is £250 each digital asset loss and in the annual aggregate. |
Q: | What activities are covered under FlyCovered policies? |
A: | You are covered for business use and or commercial activities as defined by the CAA including continuation flying. We class business use as your use of the drone in the usual course of your work and/or work duties and not for remuneration or other valuable consideration. Commercial use is your use of the drone for the benefit of third parties, in exchange for remuneration. You are also covered for continuation flying. This is your use of the drone outside the course of your business and commercial activities, for the purpose of maintaining your skill and proficiency of operation on the drone or whilst participating in or on a drone training course/school/academy. If you have a Pay As You Fly policy you are only covered for in-flight risks when you have booked an Insured Flying Day through your FlyCovered account and received your Certificate of Insurance confirming the date and times you are covered. Full details are available in your policy wording. These are available in the welcome email we sent to you when you purchased your policy or on the flycovered website under FAQs in the menu bar. |
Q: | What is annual aggregate? |
A: | The total amount the insurer will pay as claims under this policy during the period of insurance |
Q: | What is bodily injury? |
A: | When using your drone you cause physical injury, including death, resulting therefrom to a third party but excluding nervous shock or psychological injury unless accompanied by and directly caused by such physical injury. |
Q: | What do you class as business use? |
A: | Operators are using the insured drone for their own business use as defined by the CAA (Work is NOT performed under a contract between an operator and a customer, in return for remuneration or other valuable consideration). Example of business use. A farmer using a drone to spray or check his own crops or livestock. If you are unsure of the use you require please contact the CAA or the CAA website may have the information you may need. You can also contact our Customer Service Team who may be able to help.
Q: | What is commercial use and I am covered? |
A: | We class commercial use as your use of the drone for the benefit of third parties in exchange for remuneration. If you are unsure of the use you require please contact the CAA or the CAA website may have the information you may need. You can also contact our Customer Service Team who may be able to help. |
Q: | What is continuation flying? |
A: | Your use of the drone outside the course of your business and commercial activities, for the purpose of maintaining your skill and proficiency of operation on the drone or whilst participating in or on a drone training course/school/academy. If you have a Pay As You Fly policy you are only covered for in-flight risks when you have booked an Insured Flying Day through your FlyCovered account and received your Certificate of Insurance confirming the date and times you are covered. Full details are available in your policy wording. These are available in the welcome email we sent to you when you purchased your policy or on the flycovered website under FAQs in the menu bar. |
Q: | What is a deductible? |
A: | This is also known as the policy excess. It is the amount that is paid by you and is deducted from each claim or occurrence and is shown in the insurance schedule you receive when you purchase a policy. |
Q: | What are detachable payloads? |
A: | Any removable and/or interchangeable equipment from the UAS shown in the schedule that is used for photography/filming, thermal scanning or other types of survey. Such equipment is additional to the UAS and counted outside of the weight of the UAS itself. Full details are available in your policy wording. These are available in the welcome email we sent to you when you purchased your policy or on the flycovered website under FAQs in the menu bar.
Q: | What is classed as a flight or flights? |
A: | Occurs from the time the drone is switched on, attempts to take off, whilst in the air, and until the drone completes its landing and is powered down. |
Q: | What is hi-jack cover? |
A: | Hi-jack or any unlawful seizure or wrongful exercise of control of the drone in flight (including any attempt at such seizure or control without your consent). Hi-jack shall include hacking and spoofing that enables third parties to take control of the drone. Full details are available in your policy wording. These are available in the welcome email we sent to you when you purchased your policy or on the flycovered website under FAQs in the menu bar. |
Q: | Does the policy cover invasion of privacy? |
A: | Yes it does. It covers the data collected from the drone whilst in-flight and subsequently made available to third parties without the consent of the party to whom the data relates, including any breach of confidentiality, infringement, or violation of any right to privacy, or of any statutes, laws and regulations associated with the confidentiality, access, control, and use of personally identifiable, non-public information. The policy limit on this is £2,500 |
Q: | Does the policy cover noise liability? |
A: | Yes this is covered. It covers claims for bodily injury and/or property damage arising from the noise of the drone whilst in flight, for which an official noise complaint is lodged with a national/state/municipal authority and a legal order is levelled against you by such national/state/municipal authority. The policy limit on this is £2,500 |
Q: | What is classed as non-detachable payloads? |
A: | Any equipment used for photography/filming, thermal scanning or other types of survey, which forms an integral part of the UAS and is not intended to be removed from the UAS. |
Q: | What is the period of insurance? |
A: | This is the length of time for which the FlyCovered policy is in force, from the start date until the expiry date, as shown in the schedule and for which you have agreed to pay a premium.
Q: | What are policy days? |
A: | These are all the days that make up the period of insurance on a Pay As You Fly+ policy. |
Q: | What is classed as a total loss? |
A: | Any physical damage to the drone where in the reasonable opinion of the insurer: (a) the drone is damaged to such an extent that it cannot economically be repaired; or (b) the cost of repairing the drone is estimated to exceed the insured value; or (c) the drone cannot be located 14 days after: (i) the commencement of flight and arising from the activities covered; or (ii) the date on which the theft was reported to the insurer.
Q: | What is classed as in-transit? |
A: | This is the carrying of the drone any equipment or drone spares from one location to another whilst packed in accordance with the relevant manufacturer's' guidelines, or the drone is in a securely locked and padded drone flight case and the drone spares are in a securely locked and padded drone spare parts case.
Q: | What do you class as a Drone, UAS or UAV? |
A: | This is any unmanned aircraft owned by you or utilised under your care, custody, possession or control which is operated remotely without any on-board pilot, for which you are legally responsible, as shown in the schedule of drone. Drone includes any non-detachable payload and/or detachable payload where applicable and/or tethered aerostats but excludes kites. |
Q: | Who is classed as a drone operator or pilot? |
A: | The person who at all times directly manipulates the flight controls of the drone and exercises direct authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of the drone flight, excluding observers employed by you.
Q: | What is covered under drone spares? |
A: | All equipment owned by you and designed to be fitted to or form part of the drone and ancillary equipment exclusively associated with the activities covered, including the ground control station and detachable payload.
Q: | What is a tethered aerostat? |
A: | A balloon, deriving its lift from the buoyancy of surrounding air, and connected to the ground at all times by a cable. |
Q: | How do you inform me about my renewal? |
A: | We will email your renewal invitation to you at least 21 days before your policy renewal date with the details of your premium for the coming year, the premium you paid the previous year and a selection of policy options and premiums. The policy will not renew automatically, even if you are on direct debit. You must follow the renewal process shown in the email. Should you have any questions please contact our Customer Services Team. They can be contacted on 0208 059 8542 lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you prefer, you can email us at [email protected] or write to: FlyCovered Covered Insurance PO Box 581 Grays RM17 9QU.
Q: | How do I renew my FlyCovered policy? |
A: | We will email your renewal invitation to you, at least 21 days before your policy renewal date, to the email address you have provided. This will show the details of your premium for the coming year, the premium you paid the previous year and a selection of policy options and premiums. The email will have instructions on how to renew your policy. It will inform you how to retrieve your existing details, you will need to confirm or amend them. Should you make any changes, we will tell you whether we are able to accept the change and if the change will result in revised renewal terms at the end of the process. If you do not inform us about a change it may affect any claim you make, or could result in your insurance being invalid. Should you have any questions please contact our Customer Services Team, they can be contacted on 0208 059 8542 lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you prefer, you can email us at [email protected] or write to: FlyCovered Covered Insurance PO Box 581 Grays RM17 9QU. The policy will not renew automatically, even if you are on direct debit. You must follow the renewal process in the email. |
Q: | How old do I need to be to take out FlyCovered policy? |
A: | We are unable to offer insurance to anybody who does not meet the CCA requirements to operate a drone commercially. |
Q: | Can I have more than one FlyCovered policy? |
A: | Yes. You can have more than one FlyCovered policy but it must be on a different drone. |
Q: | Can I fly in or over high risk locations? |
A: | Although we do not exclude you from operating in high risk or hazardous locations, you are required to comply with the local/national aviation regulations and if required have the correct permits and extended permissions in place for any cover to be operative. |
Q: | Who are Covered Insurance Services? |
A: | The team who developed the FlyCovered Platform and policies have over 40 years experience in IT and Insurance. They are leading innovators in On Demand Insurance. Using the latest technology they have removed the dated and complicated processes' associated with insurance. |
Q: | Who do I contact if I am having issues using the FlyCovered site and my account? |
A: | Sorry to hear that you are having problems. Please check the equipment you are using has the latest browser installed. We only use the latest browsers for security reasons. Also try rebooting your equipment. If you are still having issues please contact our Customer Service Team they will be pleased to assist, they can be contacted on 0208 059 8542 lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you prefer, you can email us at [email protected]. |
Q: | What security do you have on your site? |
A: | For your online protection we use Extended Validation Certificate the highest �class' of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) available. |
Q: | Do you offer liability only policies? |
A: | Yes we do. At the end of the quote process we will offer you 3 quotes and one of these will be a liability only policy. |
Q: | Do I need to install an App to use FlyCovered account? |
A: | No. We have designed the system to work direct from the web without the need to install any Apps. |
Q: | Can I amend the details of the drone insured on my policy? |
A: | Yes you can, as long as you are not changing the drone. If you are changing the drone you must follow the add new drone process. To make changes to the drone, log in to your FlyCovered account. Select MANAGE MY POLICY, select Manage drone, select Edit Existing drone and follow the instructions. If the change is acceptable we will advise you of any additional or return premium due. If you wish to make the change select UPDATE POLICY, we will then email new documents to you. Please check the documents are correct and show the requested changes. |
Q: | Where can I find a copy of your Terms Of Business and Conditions? |
A: | They are available at the bottom of all the pages of the FlyCovered website. |
Q: | What cover is provided on Insured Flying Days? |
A: | When you have booked an Insured Flying Day your drones and detachable payloads are covered in-flight for physical damage or loss, unintentional flyaways and mid-air collisions. Your Liability to third parties is also covered. Liability cover is available from £1 Million to £50 Million to cover claims made against you for accidental property damage or injury to a member of the public whilst you are operating your drone, cover includes noise complaints and invasion of privacy. With the Pay As You Fly+ policy you have 30 days in-flight cover included in your premium to use when you need them. If you start cover on the same day it will be in place until midnight that day. |
Q: | Can I have an agreed value on my drone and equipment? |
A: | We do not offer agreed value policies.
Q: | Can I use a FlyCovered policy to apply for my PfCO renewal? |
A: | In part of a PfCO renewal, you need to demonstrate that you have compliant insurance that covers commercial use. All FlyCovered policies are EC/7852014 compliant and can be used as proof of insurance. They can be downloaded from your FlyCovered account if required. |
Q: | Do you cover pilots that are not residents in the UK? |
A: | Yes, as we insure the business. this has to be registered in the UK. We class the UK as England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Island of Guernsey, the Island of Jersey and the Island of Alderney. The pilot must hold the required CAA qualifications. |
Q: | What is the deductible / excess I will have to pay towards any third party liability claim? |
A: | The deductible / excess you will pay on each third party liability claim or occurrence is £250 |
Q: | Do I have to name all operators / pilots that will use my drone on my policy? |
A: | No, our policy covers the named business. You are not required to name any qualified additional pilots on the policy but they must be shown in your operations log and you need to have added Operators Indemnity to your policy. The FlyCovered policy will cover commercial operators / pilots who have a valid and current Flyer ID and Operator ID, hold the competencies, permission, licence or certificate legally required to perform commercial activities and are operating the insured drone within any local rules and regulations. This includes those operating drones for commercial consideration in the open categories A1 and A3 where A2CofC, GVC or other certification may not be required. Basically as long as the insured operator / pilot is flying the insured drone within the local rules and regulations and has any relevant competencies, permission, licence and certificate legally required to perform commercial activities that are required then our policy will cover them. |
Q: | How many operators / pilots can I cover on my FlyCovered policy? |
A: | We do not have a limit. Our policy covers the business. If you have selected Operators Indemnity cover, any qualified pilot who has your permission to operate the insured drone is covered. We do have minimum requirements for additional pilots to be insured. From 31st December 2020 all of our policies will continue to cover current PfCO holders until they are phased out. In line with the new regulations we will cover commercial operators who have a valid and current Flyer ID and Operator ID, hold the competencies, permission, licence and certificate legally required to perform commercial activities and are operating the insured drone within any local rules and regulations. This includes those operating drones for commercial consideration in the open categories A1 and A3 where A2CofC, GVC or other certification may not be required. Basically as long as the insured operator / pilot is flying the insured drone within the local rules and regulations and has any relevant competencies, permission, licence and certificate legally required to perform commercial activities that are required then our policy will cover them. |
Q: | Whats a CAA recognised NQE? |
A: | This is a National Qualified Entity (NQE) that is recognised by the CAA and operates on behalf of the CAA in training and examining drone operators who want to obtain a Permission for Commercial Operations (PfCO). A list of all the CAA recognised NAMEs in the UK can be found on their CAA Drones Guidance page. |
Q: | What is a CAA recognised RAE? |
A: | From 31st December 2020 NQE becomes RAE Approved Drone Training providers will become a RAE (Recognised Assessment Entity) as opposed to NQE's and provide two main qualifications. CofC (Certificate of Competency) for operations within the OPEN category. Or a GVC (General VLOS Certificate) which is used to apply for a Operational Authorisation (Similar to a PfCO) for operations within the SPECIFIC category.
Q: | Am I insured to fly my drones at night? |
A: | Although we do not exclude you from operating at night, you are required to comply with the local/national aviation regulations and have the correct procedures in place and noted in your operation manual, and have any permits or extended permissions if required. |
Q: | Am I insured for flying over water and offshore? |
A: | Although we do not exclude you from flying over water, you are required to comply with the local/national aviation regulations and have the correct permits and extended permissions in place if required for any cover to be operative. |
Q: | How many drones can I insure on my policy? |
A: | We can cover up to 20 drone on one policy. You can add them at any time through your FlyCovered account. |
Q: | Do I have to own the drone I am insuring? |
A: | No. You can insure a drone owned by someone else but you must have a hiring agreement with the owner of the drone and the drone must be added to the policy through your FlyCovered account. |
Q: | Do you insure Emergency Services or Search & Rescue teams? |
A: | Yes, we are able to offer policies to the Emergency Services and Search and Rescue teams. |
Q: | Who can fly or operate my drone? |
A: | Our policy covers the business and any qualified pilot who has your permission to operate your drone is insured under the policy. Operators Indemnity must have been selected and added to your policy for this cover to be included. We do have minimum requirements for additional pilots to be insured. For commercial use (you are receiving remuneration) operators as a minimum requirement must have successfully completed a flight assessment with a CAA recognised National Qualified Entity (NQE). Where the activities covered are for own business use (not receiving any remuneration) as a minimum requirement pilots must have a minimum of 10 hours drone flying experience or completed a flight assessment examination, with a CAA recognised National Qualified Entity (NQE). Full details are available in your policy wording. These are available in the welcome email we sent to you when you purchased your policy or on the flycovered website under FAQs in the menu bar. |
Q: | Can I pay my premium in monthly instalments? |
A: | Yes. We offer 2 payment options. You can pay the annual premium in full using a Credit or Debit card or use our interest free payment plan. If you select the payment plan we will ask you for a deposit to be paid from your Credit or Debit card. You then pay the outstanding amount over 10 months from your bank account by Direct Debit. The options are offered to you at the end of the application process. Should you have a claim, we will require you to pay any outstanding premium in full. |
Q: | Do you insure drones over 20KG? |
A: | Yes we do. You must have a current exemption from the CAA to fly any drone over 20KG. The maximum weight we insure is 30KG |
Q: | Do I have to name additional pilots on my policy? |
A: | No that's not a requirement. We cover any qualified pilot who is named in your operations log. You must select and pay for Operators Indemnity cover for unlimited qualified and authorised pilots to operate your drones. |
Q: | What do you class as a fault claim? |
A: | A fault claim is where your insurer has made or will be making a payment to you or a third party following an incident or accident. |
Q: | Am I covered for war and related perils? |
A: | Yes you are covered under the liability section of the policy. The sum insured for this section is the amount of public liability you have selected. Information of the cover can be found in the policy wordings These are available in the welcome email we sent to you when you purchased your policy or on the flycovered website under FAQs in the menu bar. |
Q: | Do you cover recreational / hobby users? |
A: | No we do not cover recreational / hobby users. This is a commercial drone insurance policy. The policy covers you for commercial use (when you are receiving remuneration from a third party for providing drone services) or for your own business use (where you are using the drone in connection with your own business and not receiving remuneration for operating the drone). |
Q: | Does the policy cover me to practice my drone flying skills? |
A: | Yes. As a commercial operator or own business user you are covered to use the drone for the purpose of maintaining your skill and proficiency of the insured drone, we call this continuation flying. The policy also covers you whilst participating in a drone training course/school/academy. We do not cover recreational use. If you have a Pay As You Fly policy you are only covered for in-flight risks when you have booked an Insured Flying Day through your FlyCovered account and received your Certificate of Insurance confirming the date and times you are covered. Full details are available in your policy wording. These are available in the welcome email we sent to you when you purchased your policy or on the flycovered website under FAQs in the menu bar. |
Q: | Are FlyCovered policies EC 785/2014 compliant? |
A: | Yes. All of our policies are EC785/2014 compliant and comply with CAA requirements to operate a drone commercially or for your own business use. They offer the current minimum public liability requirement as standard, this cover can be increased up to a maximum £50,000,000. |
Q: | Insurance details for online PfCO renewal until phased out. What do I need to show? |
A: | CAA ask the following questions in bold during the PfCO application. Insurer : Your Insurer is:- Tokio Marine Kiln through FlyCovered. Is the insurance continuous for all flights or arranged on a per flight basis? If you have a Pay As You Fly policy your answer is Per flight only basis. If you have an Annual Policy or a Liability Only Policy your answer is Continuous. Does the insurance document explicitly confirm cover for any UAS operated by the applicant or that the policy is limited to specifically identified UAS? Your answer should be:- Specific identified UAS. Are all UAS listed in the Operations Manual included in the insurance? You can answer this yes if all UAS shown in your Operations Manual are insured under this policy and shown on your Schedule of insurance. Does the insurance document state the �policy name' exactly as stated in the Applicant Details at the start of this application form? Please make sure the name on the insurance is the exact name shown on your PfCO application or your application may be returned and a fee charged by the CAA. Does the insurance policy explicitly confirm compliance with EC 785/2004? You can answer this question Yes, EC 785/2004.You can continue to renew your PfCO like normal up until 1st January 2024. After this date you will need to hold a GVC qualification. We suggest you always look at the CAA website to make sure you understand PfCO renewal requirements. |
Q: | What policy add-ons are available? |
A: | The following Add-ons are available and shown in bold text. UAS Operators Indemnity. Covers the third party liabilities of any qualified pilot authorised by you to operate the insured drone. This cover is required should you need to have additional pilots operating your drones.
Liability To UAS Operators. Covers your liability to any qualified drone pilot authorised by you to operate the insured drone excluding, employers' liability insurance.
Cyber Extension Loss of Digital Assets. This covers the costs you incur for the loss of digital assets as a direct result of damage, alteration, corruption, distortion, theft, misuse, or destruction of your digital assets directly caused by a computer virus, whether through malicious acts or non-malicious acts. The policy covers up to £10,000 each digital asset loss
Strikes, Malicious Acts And Hi-jacking. This covers any physical loss of, or damage to, drone and equipment following: strikes, malicious acts or hi-jacking.
Alternative Hire Costs.This covers any reasonable costs and expenses for hiring an alternative drone to complete any previously agreed contracts following loss or any physical damage to the drone. The policy covers a maximum period of 30 days hire or when hire costs reach £1,000 whichever occurs sooner
Buy Additional insured Flying Days (In-Flight Cover on Pay As you Fly Policies.If you use the 30 days Insured Flying Days included in your policy, you have the option to buy additional days if needed, we give you a fixed daily rate that's shown in your quote. No matter how many additional days you buy, you will never pay more than the annual policy we quoted you.
Q: | What drone operators and pilots are you able to cover? |
A: | From 31st December 2020 all of our policies will continue to cover current PfCO holders. In line with the new regulations we will cover commercial operators who have a valid and current Flyer ID and Operator ID, hold the competencies, permission, licence and certificate legally required to perform commercial activities and are operating the insured drone within any local rules and regulations. This includes those operating drones for commercial consideration in the open categories A1 and A3 where A2CofC, GVC or other certification may not be required. Basically as long as the insured operator / pilot is flying the insured drone within the local rules and regulations and has any relevant competencies, permission, licence and certificate legally required to perform commercial activities that are required then our policy will cover them. Who do not have fault drone related claims paid and outstanding totalling more than £7,500 in the past 5 years. Have not had a single drone related claim over £5,000 in the past five years. Who have not had more than 2 drone related claims in the past 5 years. Drone businesses located in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Island of Guernsey, the Island of Jersey or the Island of Alderney. Operators and pilots that will operate the insured drone in accordance with national and/or local regulations, and obtain any permits or extended permissions if required prior to any flight. |
Q: | Can I fly the insured drone in restricted areas? |
A: | Although we do not exclude you from operating in restricted, high risk or hazardous locations, you are required to comply with the local/national aviation regulations and if required have the correct permits and extended permissions in place for any cover to be operative. Any flights of unmanned aircraft around airfields or airports that are designated as �protected aerodromes' are tightly restricted. Unmanned aircraft of any size must not be flown within the Flight Restriction Zone (FRZ) of a protected aerodrome, without appropriate permission. Please refer to the CAA website for further information. The Dronesafe website contains an interactive map, which shows all the Aerodrome FRZs.
Q: | Can I operate my Drone indoors? |
A: | Yes. We do not exclude the operation of drones indoors for commercial and own business use. You are required to have the correct competences and permissions to do operate the drone in the location. We do not cover indoor recreational use or indoor drone racing.The CAA advise the following: Indoor use
Flights inside buildings have no impact on Air Navigation because they can have no effect on flights by aircraft in the open air. As a result, flights within buildings, or within areas where there is no possibility for the unmanned aircraft to �escape' into the open air (such as a �closed' netted structure) are not subject to air navigation legislation. Persons intending to operate Unmanned Aircraft indoors should refer to the appropriate Health and Safety at Work regulations. |
Q: | Do you cover drones that are being used for racing or competitive use? |
A: | We do not offer any cover for drones or pilots if the insured drone is being used for racing or competitive use. |
Q: | Do you insure racing drones? |
A: | Yes we cover racing drones but only if they are being used for commercial use. We do not provide cover for any drone or pilot for racing or competitive use. As racing drones are normally used with FPV equipment goggles etc, operators and pilots must be aware of and adhere to the current laws and regulations around using any FPV equipment for cover to be in place during a flight using any FPV equipment. |
Q: | Do you cover flights if the pilot is using First Person View (FPV) equipment? |
A: | Yes we do but on if the drone is being used for commercial use. Operators and pilots must be aware of and adhere to the current laws and regulations around using any FPV equipment for cover to be in place during a commercial flight using any FPV equipment. |
Q: | I have more than one drone insured on my policy, can I fly all of the drones on the same day? |
A: | Yes you can. PLEASE NOTE If you have stated on your application that only one drone is in the air at anytime you can only fly one drone at a time. If you need to fly more than one insured drone at the same time, this should have been declared during the application process or you need to notify us that you need cover for more than one drone in the air at the same time. The number of drones you are covered to fly at one time is shown on your insurance schedule. |
Q: | Can I have more than one drone in the air at anytime? |
A: | Yes but you need to have informed us of the maximum number of drones that will be in the air at one time during the application process. You should have also selected UAS Operators Indemnity to be added to your policy. This covers the third party liabilities of any qualified pilot authorised by you to operate the insured drone. This cover is required should you need to have additional pilots operating your drones. |
Q: | I haven't received my certificate of insurance or schedule where can I find them? |
A: | We email your documents to the email address you have provided, they should be with you in a few minutes after you have purchased a policy or booked a days cover. If they haven't arrived please check your junk folder. A copy of your certificate is always available in your FlyCovered account and you can download it from there. Log into your account and select MANAGE MY POLICY, select My Dashboard, your Schedules and Certificates are located here, click on any of the documents you would like to view or download. If you have a Pay-As-You-Fly policy, you can also click on any day you have booked to view or download the Certificate for that day. |
Q: | Where can I get a copy of my insurance certificate or schedule? |
A: | A copy of your certificates and schedules are always available in your FlyCovered account. Log into your account and select MANAGE MY POLICY, select My Dashboard, your Certificates and Schedules are located here, click on any of the documents you would like to view or download. If you have a Pay-As-You-Fly policy; you can also click on any day you have booked to view or download the certificate for that day. |
Q: | I have a Pay As You Fly policy. Where do I find my certificate of insurance when I have booked a day? |
A: | We email your documents to the email address you have provided and they should be with you in a few minutes. If they haven't arrived please check your junk folder. A copy of your certificate is always available in your FlyCovered account and you can download it from there at anytime. Log into your account and select MANAGE MY POLICY, select My Dashboard, your Certificates and Schedules are located here, click on any of the documents you would like to view or download. You can also click on the day you have booked in your calendar to view or download the certificate of insurance for that day. |
Call us on 020 8059 8542
Lines open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.
Policy wording for the FlyCovered Drone insurance policy.
For policies starting prior to 1st December 2022
For policies starting on or after the 1st December 2022
Insurance Product Information Document